Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Day Off

Oh God. I just sent my little Snot Queen off to nanny and granda's for her first mama free visit. At almost sixteen months old, it will be the longest we've ever been seperated for and if himself decides to stay overnight it will be our first night apart as well (sob.)

On the one hand, I'm 37 weeks pregnant and in desperate need of a break. Not only have I spent the better part of the last two years either pregnant or with a small child attached to my breast, butI've loads of writing to get done and rationally I know that this will be much easier achieved without the small one dogging my every move and doing her best to distract me from the laptop, a.k.a her nemesis.

I've been very lazy in this department of late (as I seem to have been in most departments for that matter.) My goal of having everything written, edited and ready to be sent out to the thousands of agents and publishers DESPERATE to get a sample of my literary genius is looking rather unlikely as the urge to write has been overtaken by the urge to stuff myself as full of refined carbohydrates as humanly possible and then sink into a sugar/pregnancy induced coma.

The thought of doing any more then the bare minimum necessary to keep myself, the small one and the household afloat is laughable. Today therefore, is my last chance before number two arrives to be baby free (ish) and accomplish as much non - house and baby related work as possible and to just relax in general and recharge the old batteries.

I had no idea how nervous I'd be sending her away though. What if she needs me? What if she wakes in the middle of the night (okay, this part I'm not actually too concerned about as I will be sleeping soundly for the first time in almost two years and daddy dearest will be on night watch. heh heh!) Will she miss me terribly?

Well, so far at least, it appears I needn't have worried as the second the door opened she was off like a shot and ignored my outstretched arms in favour of toddling up the drive to the car where she happily settled in without even a token protest. As they pulled out onto the road, there was no look of confusion and despair at my absence in the front seat. Instead, with a smile and a big blown kiss, she was off. Traitor.


  1. It was only last month we left crazypixie alone for the first time, and she hardly noticed! Get a bit of relax time in too, have a bath. Really enjoy an entire uninterrupted nights sleep.You deserve it!

  2. I hope you get a long night of deep sleep sister :) I hope if you do wake up it's one of those great times where you think it's almost morning but really it's only 1 or 2 am and you still have tons of sleep ahead (that's the best!) Good night love you zzzzzzzzzz
