Saturday, March 28, 2009

Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun is shining and I'm sitting on the couch watching the Snot Queen fling hundreds of dvds all over the sitting room floor. I should probably stop her...

I'm also being a very bad mama and have "accidentally on purpose" left the tv turned onto Saturday morning cartoons. Her eyes are turning square as I type. I should probably turn it off...

The sitting room, which we are in the midst of packing up and transferring across town, is in a total state. I should probably continue on with the packing and the cleaning...

If I were to look closely (or in the case of my bombsite of an apartment, quickly glance) at my life, there are probably a lot of things I "should" be doing (and on the flip side, plenty that I shouldn't...)

I should be drinking more water, as in the clear and cold stuff, not the lovely hot, brown, dark roasted with a drop of milk stuff that goes so well with the biscuits I definitely should NOT be eating (Can I help it if the tiny baba craves chocolate chip cookies?)

I should be doing my yoga daily instead of waiting until my hips are a hairsbreadth away from needing surgical separation...

I should be more charitable in my thoughts and less annoyed when I am stopped every ten feet on my walk into town by people in bright jumpers looking for me to support asthma, cancer, the third world, animal rights and just about every other charity under the sun...

I should go to bed earlier so it's not as much of a struggle when the small one wakes up at 6:00 in the morning...

I should eat the oranges in my fridge before they go off instead of waiting for them to peel and cut themselves which, let's be perfectly honest, is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!

I should make more of an effort to be more "green"

I should go and find my phone which has been beeping madly for the last hour or so...

But right now, it's a beautiful Saturday Morning, the sun is shining and even if everything IS a little bit up in the air at the moment, for the first time this week I am relaxed, content and more then happy to let the world just roll on by. Everything else can wait...


  1. If the little one on the inside crave cookies what are you going to do? When I was pregnant I ate a chocolate bar everyday. Or three. And usually right before going to bed. I guess I don't have that excuse any more! I found teletubbies on youtube yesterday and Liv watched it for 30 min without blinking. So wrong but so right...

  2. Could not should, could not should. Try it!
