Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sunshine on a Cloudy day :)

Oh dear god! Thanks to a combination of sleeplessness and general mommy brain, I am horrified to admit that I've yet to say thank you to the lovely Young Mummy for the Sunshine Award she bestowed upon me last week in the midst of teething hell (still going strong thank you very much!) In fact, it was only just now, when the fab Last of the Mojitos presented me with the SAME award, that I remembered I had yet to accept the first. I also have a fave picture meme to catch up on as well...(no, I have not forgotten, I am merely sloooooowwwwwww)

Also, I have a few small accomplishments about which I'd like to brag this week!

First and foremost, after a year of wishing and hoping and praying for a regular, straight across the yard clothesline and not the piece - o - crap triangular one that came with the house, I finally wised up and realized that no amount of wishing, hoping and praying was going to make that clothesline appear. That if I wanted to not spend the next few months brushing spiders, their webs and their eggs (blech) off of the horrible piece - o - crap, I would have to do something about it.

So I did. Yesterday afternoon, while the Snot Queen slept, I popped the tiny one into her walker (hold thy tongues please and thank you) and we absconded to the back garden where I tied the clothes line I bought yonks ago from one end of the garden to the other.


Instant clothesline. I am a domestic goddess.

I am also brain dead as I can't remember my other fab accomplishments. Sigh. Such is life!

Thanks for the Sunshine ladies, I'll be passing it along to;

The Potty Diaries Who today is searching for eye makeup remover in Russia. Apparently, not as easy as it sounds...

Hot Cross Mum who woke up one morning, "to find my two-and-a-half year old in bed beside me and my husband asleep in the two-and-a-half-year-old's bed. Nobody had any recollection of this bed swap taking place."

It's the little things
Because she always reminds me how much I have to be thankful for.


  1. Well done:) Hear you on the teething hell, going through it myself at the moment, well, my daughter is but I am suffering just as much as she is! Jen.

  2. A well deserved award for you. That reminds me, I broke my clothesline a few weeks ago. I'd better get around to fixing it! X
